R.AI.SE Summit


David Leconte


Senior Solution Engineer


David Leconte is an esteemed Dat@rtist and Generative AI enthusiast, specialising as a Vector Database Specialist. With a career deeply rooted in AI-enhanced data dynamics, David is set to share his insights at the R.A.I.S.E summit in Paris. His professional journey is marked by a customer-centric philosophy and a commitment to driving business transformations through strategic data utilisation. David's expertise spans Data Warehousing, NoSQL Databases, Business Analytics, and Streaming technologies. His proficiency in crafting AI-enhanced data dynamics is complemented by his focus on Vector Databases and their integration within AI and ML ecosystems. His knowledge is backed by education from MIT Professional Education and a focused curriculum at Caltech. Currently, David serves as a Solution Engineer at DataStax, where he plays a pivotal role in the Generative AI and Machine Learning space. His work with Astra DB has enabled developers to deploy accurate AI applications swiftly, with a focus on real-time data and integrations.

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